News — real life

Stocking Up: A Guide to Whole, Half and Quarter Beef

Stocking Up: A Guide to Whole, Half and Quarter Beef

Lots of people call and ask me about getting a whole beef or quarter beef or generally stocking up on beef.  It’s getting more and more popular and there are a lot of good reasons why.  The problem is, most people don’t know where to start.  I always do my best to help and over time I have found some really good questions for customers to ask themselves that will help determine how much beef they should or should not buy.

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mRNA Vaccine and Cattle (Honestly: I hate this topic)

mRNA Vaccine and Cattle (Honestly: I hate this topic)

Based on what our customers expect from us I am willing to state for the record - We will NOT be using mRNA vaccinations on our cattle.

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Cows, Vaccines & Nonsense - Actual Information from an Actual Rancher

Cows, Vaccines & Nonsense - Actual Information from an Actual Rancher

A lot of questions recently about livestock vaccinations from customers that are based on some social media rumors and some podcasts.  I have seen this too and I want to help set the record straight.

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I Lead a Double Life...

I Lead a Double Life...

While I don’t actually lead a double life in the scintillating way you might have imagined when reading my title, I do in fact feel like I lead a double life. But I’m going to be honest here…CONFESSION TIME…I have a really hard time doing this. I want to present an honest picture of our life & I want to be interesting and real at the same time, but I feel that these things don’t converge.

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